

welcome to my blog. hautehouse farm is a place where I cultivate family, fashion + food.  I write organically, mainly about my journey in motherhood through recipes + stories. hope you will stay + come grow with me!

wellness & goodness

wellness & goodness

hello my beautiful friends! it’s been a long, long while since last I wrote. it sounds so cliche, but I had to step away for some soul searching. in true virgo perfectionist style, I had set myself up on an unrealistic path of expectations.  I thought I had finally created an improved blog that would take off right from the restart (formerly known as love laughter and lipstick).  but honestly, I wasn’t focused and mostly, my fear of failure started to become paralyzing. and really what was the true measure of success? a 1000 followers? more likes? at least a few comments? one of my favorite quotes from Theodore Roosevelt who said ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ was all I found myself doing.  when I searched back to my writing roots, I remembered that I began blogging because I wanted to document my journey as a thirty-something trying to balance a career as a makeup artist and motherhood.  and now I find myself on a totally new path not to mention a whole new decade in age (eh hem, now forty- something.)  there is so much to catch up on. especially this amazing and life charging course I’ve veered deeper in the wellness world. with tonight’s pink full moon it’s a time to let go of what does not serve us positively and set new intentions. it’s already manifested my creativity and passion and compelled me to write this spontaneous post!  I did promise to keep things raw and real here, so that I will hold myself to.  and I can’t wait to share all of this stylish and slow living goodness on every level. so think of me as your ‘inspirer’ not influencer.  ready?  here we go!

much love + light, s

organized chaos

organized chaos