american pie — cherry apothecary


welcome to my blog. hautehouse farm is a place where I cultivate family, fashion + food.  I write organically, mainly about my journey in motherhood through recipes + stories. hope you will stay + come grow with me!

american pie

american pie

hello friends! summer is definitely here with it's hot, lazy, long days. and as much as I love cooking meals and baking treats, the kitchen gets a little quiet during this time of year. lately our go to's have basically been on the grill and/or from the freezer. lots of variations of burgers, pizza and for dessert we are completely obsessed with this strawberry cheesecake pretzel filling pie from aldi. so much goodness for only $5.99 and perfect to bring for all your summer parties and picnics. (fyi totally my own opinion and not paid to promote this deliciousness)

we have also been enjoying a lot of quality family time from swimming at the pool, playing board games and having movie nights. I'm grateful for these simple moments with my children which I'm guilty of taking for granted. I feel heartbroken and helpless with the humanitarian crisis at our american border.  I just read the most incredibly powerful post at which explains exactly what is going on and how we can help these families. call, donate, protest, volunteer, vote, anything, something to stop this. 

be well, hold your kids close and here are resources: - the florence project (non profit legal services)









summertime romance

summertime romance

blowing in the wind

blowing in the wind